Artist's First Name
Artist's Last Name
Phone Number 555-555-5555
Your website
Instagram handle (optional)
Facebook url (optional)
Tell us about yourself and your art in a hundred words or less.
Is there anything else you would like us to know?
Do you have 15 pieces of framed artwork currently available? Enter yes or no. "Yes" is not necessary for submission.
Provide 5 high quality images, jpg or png, ideally 1500 pixels on the long edge. Maximum 10 MB. Entire title, medium, dimensions in box.
image title, medium and dimensions
Upload image and put title, medium, dimensions in box.
image title, medium and dimensions
Upload image and put title, medium, dimensions in box.
image title, medium and dimensions
Upload image and put title, medium, dimensions in box.
image title, medium and dimensions
Upload image and put title, medium, dimensions in box.
image title, medium and dimensions